Website, Integrated campaign.

Challenged to advertise UPS world of possibilities to brand managers using a little widget character, our brief was very simple; “Do something interesting”. So what better place to launch the service than creating a 3D generated virtual shipping office – microsite.

In this virtual office, all assets are clickable. Our lovable, hardworking Widget helps users find key information about UPS, from the comfort of the ad-free desktops where they spend most of their working day.

Our widget is always ready to make customers’ lives easier. He shows you how to send parcels, how to track them and overall helping everyone to optimise their budgets, as well as links to other UPS services, direct from their desktop without having to go to

The microsite featured in the shortlist at the Cannes festival and received the seal of approval from more than 18 million visitors (Marketing Society). So far the widget has been downloaded 179.972 times and has tracked over 62,000 packages across the globe.

• Downloads exceeded the plan by 259.9%.
• Installations exceeded the plan by 147.7%.
• Visits to the home page were 176.3% above plan.
• The number entering the site was 112.5% above plan.

…all at a cost per download 80% below target.

This impressive return on investment, plus the great attention to detail and inspired design of the microsite, won the hearts and minds of the judges at the NewMediaAge Effectiveness Awards. They awarded the UPS widget microsite and campaign the top spot in the Business to Business category.

Other awards include NY Festivals Innovative Advertising Awards Finalist, Euro Effies/Eaca Finalist for Digital and The Marketing Society Awards, Best Digitally Led Marketing.

Additionally the microsite and campaign featured in Tom Himpe’s book ‘Advertising NEXT – 150 winning campaigns for the new communications age’.

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